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Worked Examples

What actually happens in order to execute a thought process from start to finish? This page answers that through some detailed examples.

Solve “3 + 8”

The processing of user command “3 + 8” occurs as follows:

1User request“3 + 8” enters input sense
2RequestCommandInterceptorEmits TextRequestEvent to WM, holding text “3 + 8”
3ExpressionAndEquationParseProcessorDetects TextRequestEvent. Pre-programmed to “just know” how to parse expressions. Emits PerceptEvent containing parsed expression as a syntax tree
4ExpressionEvaluationProcessorDetects PerceptEvent flagged with pre-programmed Expression concept. Pre-programmed to “just know” how to evaluate expressions. Emits PerceptEvent containing resultant number, flagged as a result
5ExpressionResponseProcessorDetects result PerceptEvent and presence of a user request. Emits ActionEvent with text of response “11”
6SpeakActionProcessorDetects ActionEvent. “Speaks” response text

Solve “3 + ? = 8”

Note: this is a work-in-progress.

The processing of user command “3 + ? = 8”, without user interaction to help the process, occurs over about 3 stages, as follows:

1.0User request“3 + ? = 8”
1.0RequestCommandInterceptorEmits TextRequestEvent to WM
1.1ExpressionAndEquationParseProcessorEmits PerceptEvent with partially parsed expression
1.2EquationEvaluationProcessorDoes nothing. Unable to process
2.0StuckThoughtInterceptorEmits StuckThoughtEvent
2.1FindMatchingConceptProcessorAssumes need to find concepts due to StuckThought, emits MemorySearchRequest
2.2LongTermMemorySearchProcessorSearches LTM, emits MemoryEvent
2.3FindMatchingConceptProcessorAssumes need to find concepts due to StuckThought, finds one or more in WM, so stops
2.4(…)What selects one of the concepts to try against? First cut: for now just pick single greedy option, in both ConceptInferenceProcessor and GapFillingProcessor.
2.5ConceptInferenceProcessorAttempts to infer an identification of concept for ‘?’ based on matching against concepts in WM. Emits a Percept if it discovers something better than what’s already present. Emit new Percept theorising that ‘?’ is a number.
2.6GapFillingProcessorAttempts to fill gap in partially parsed expression using concept/concepts available in WM, including any inferred concepts if present. Emit new Equation Percept, with ‘?’ tagged as a number.
2.7EquationEvaluationProcessorNeeds to kick in a try again against new equation percept. Will fail once again.
3.0StuckThoughtInterceptorEmits StuckThoughtEvent
3…(…)[WIP] Now start employing strategies to guess at number value of ‘?’
x.xFindMatchingConceptProcessor[WIP] Last found concept(s) not good enough, tries again

(Added 2019-10-27. Labels: work-in-progress)