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Conscious Calculator v2

This page discusses the design of v2 of Conscious Calculator. For this one, I’m starting again from scratch and building slowly up using my up to date theories. And this one is based on Neural Networks.



Neural network focused on visceral loop.

Phenomenonal Emulations

What phonemena can this design emulate?

Conscious Feedback:

  • This design directly recreates the feedback loop, where the output of one iteration is used as input to the next.

Visceral Loop:

  • This design is the basis for emulation of the visceral loop. However, in practice, this design, and the data set it will be trained with, lacks sufficient computational dexterity to complete the visceral loop. In fact, I don’t expect it to reach Iteration 2.
  • One of the next steps will be to add working memory, a necessary baseline to able to think with high-order enough thoughts.
  • The next step will be to devise some very simple algorithmic notation so that I can have the program solve problems. And to use that algorithmic notation to have it solve whether it can observe its own past calculations.
  • In the long term, I hope to figure out how to increase the scope of things that can be analysed so that it can conclude itself as conscious – probably still based on that very simple algorithmic notation.