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Philosophical Description of Consciousness

It turns out that Consciousness is nothing like what we thought it was. This article looks at what it means for our understanding of ourselves and our place in the world.

For background, please see [[Background to A Theory of Mind]] and [[A Theory of the Human Mind]].


tbd. The experience of free-will is an artifact of: observed steps in the state machine, integrated control mechanism with direct control thoughts, mental model of mind, labeling of inputs as ‘my thoughts’.



Life Expectations on Self

Don’t be too hard on yourself. You are fundamentally limited in your capability.

Humans are fundamentally limited in their intelligence by the particular brain architecture that we have evolved. In particular, we efficiently learn only the things that our brain has evolved to learn efficiently (eg: vision, hearing, judging distance and speed in order to catch a thrown ball, empathy). But other things require concerted effort that continues to require conscious effort, with minimal sub-conscious learning - eg: things that seem ‘counter-intuitive’.

tbd - more notes from archived scanned notes: Philisophical implications on life and expectations.pdf.


Does any of this understanding advance our ability to help ourselves be better, happier human beings?

Probably not. This theory is so low level that it could lead to myriad forms of high order behaviours and edge cases. All of psychology, medicine, and other mental health disciplines have already developed far more useful and concrete mechanisms for understanding and helping individuals.