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Ideas on Learning

This page is a brain-dump of ideas, while I piece together something more logical.

Hierarchical Learning

How do our subconscious processors learn high level things. No evolutionarily defined fitness function is going to be specific enough to learn efficiently. It’s only our conscious thought that knows whether we did something right or wrong.

And maybe that’s the key.

As we mature from birth, and our intelligence increases, we consciously measure our successes against increasingly higher level concepts. At first it’s just whether we were able to move our hands to the toy, then later it’s more about whether our parents were happy with the outcome, and later still we judge our actions ourselves based on our own sense of achievement.

So, if our conscious intelligence is used to measure the fitness of our actions, all that we need is to label the past memories with the fitness measure. Then, the nightly memory and learning system can use that memory, along with attached fitness, and feed it beck into the appropriate region of neural network to train it.

(Added 2019-11-16. Labels: work-in-progress, theory)